Friday, March 26, 2010

Study of Job

Job is the oldest book of the Bible and quite possibly the most remarkable in that Job speaks profound truth in man's position to God. He even goes to state facts about an upcoming savior, foreshadowing Jesus Christ's incarnation as man to take on the brutal punishment on that cross for our sakes. I've caught the smell of this enticing meal some time ago and even preached on it-- the fact that Satan had a blatant disregard for respecting God and God seeking to make Job Satan's aim.

Two very excellent initial words help in understanding more about this passage and the work of God vs. the work of Satan. Sum and Suk. The idea of Sum is the idea of setting one's heart after something. God asked Satan if he set his heart against Job, if he sought to attack him directly. God throws Job in the cross-fire. Now how Satan responds helps to identify how much he truly didn't understand about God and a man after God's heart in righteousness.

Satan says that God has put a hedge about him or Suk. What this implies is that God made it to where Job could not sin. Satan has some sort of concept that the only reason Job follows God is because God has protected him from sinning. However, Satan realizes after the ordeal that his philosophy was wrong! Very wrong!

This is a dangerous concept to consider because we can think to ourselves that we may be faithful enough in our walk with God to withstand Satan's very heart against us, his desire to destroy us and bring us to our knees. Satan was still figuring out the human being at this time, but I'm certain that throughout the time that he has been on this earth seeking whom he may devour, he has figured us out... for the most part.

Satan knows he doesn't have to attack me with drugs, alcohol, or even porn right now. It doesn't matter to him, but if he knows that he can get me through my little gods, causing me to be dormant in Christ, he has won. Am I as faithful as Job to withstand such an attack against me? I don't know; however, the true Christian would seek to withstand everything through faith in the Lord.

Maybe you are getting the point now. My whole foundation of all my faith, following, and works in Christ are based upon Proverbs 3:5-6. Once you can grasp this concept, along with the greatest commandment (I'll let you try to figure that one out), you'll come to understand how much better your walk with Christ can become.

I'll end with this. There is a place in Indiana called Turkey Run National Park. There they have trails and canoeing. On the maps they have drawn out all the trails with the difficulty next to them. The least difficulty is a pretty cool trail and pretty awe-inspiring. However, there are more difficult trails that require ladders and climbing along the side of the walls of the gorge. These trails are difficult but yet they are far more beautiful then the easier ones. I went on a trail in China, much harder then the ones in Turkey Run, at Tiger Leaping Gorge. It was the hardest trail I have ever seen and it took two days to complete. We stayed the night at a neat hotel along the cliff of the gorge. The windows revealed the view of Dragon Snow Mountain. That trail was the most beautiful thing I had ever been on. It was far more difficult, but that much far more beautiful. Do you want to take that easy route through life, or do you want to follow the call for the most beautiful experience ever? God lets you choose.

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