Friday, March 26, 2010

God's Provision

Take into consideration that sitting in my checking account right now is literally 9 cents. Also take into account the very fact that the cafeteria is charging students who are still here for their meals. Take into account the fact that I haven't gotten paid in over a month and a half. Take into account that I've been scrounging up pennies, receiving blessings from friends, and most of all relying on God to take care of me. Right now I'm experiencing what it is like to live without luxuries and coming to the point of realizing that much of the stuff I thought I needed I don't.

This picture represents my dinner tonight. It cost 1 dollar but if you know something about not having money, not having 1 dollar even means not being able to purchase something that is indeed 1 dollar. Nothing-- what I have, yet God still provides. Can I tell you that for some odd, unexplainable reason I felt that I needed to leave the school and travel to work an hour early. I thought to myself, I'll just get there and get a drink (which is free) and chill before work.

I walk in, so hungry, and hang my coat and glasses up. One of the guys is sitting at the table and asks me how I'm doing. We chat for a little and he found out I was an hour early. He asked me if I came in to eat and I said no, I don't have any money. He reached into his wallet and pulled out a dollar and said, here, you can use this. I was blown away. I was so thankful and received a dinner for the night all at the provision of this guy who was just sitting in there. After I walked out to get my food, I saw him walk out and he left the building. If I had waited, I wouldn't have been able to eat before work.

I know that at anytime my parents can and will provide for me. They have and still do; however, I wanted to rely on God and see what He'd do. Not only did He get me out of debt with that gracious person about a week ago, but He has provided me with meals all throughout this week. I have not gone hungry once.

I implore you, you can't have no faith in God and expect to receive something. There is the illustration of the two farmers during the drought. They both pray for rain yet only one of them prepares the field for planting. Then it rains. Tell me, which farmer had faith that God would make it rain? Even more, tell me, which Christian has faith that God will provide? The one who is upset because God hasn't, or the one that states He will and prepares to receive it.

So many times we put God in a box with human limitations. Don't you know that in the Old Testament the woman was told to collect pots to pour oil in? She need only have faith. The Bible states that as soon as she filled the last one, it stopped pouring. Now tell me, if after this event, what would you think??? Man! I should have gotten more pots! She maybe got a few from neighbors, but as much faith as she could have put into it, she could have that much more.

You get what you put into your relationship with God. If you treat Him like garbage, a magical genie, or a mean father; you will fail to see Him for what He truly is. If He is a priority to you, not an option; He will be the best priority you have ever set forth in your life. No one likes just being an option in life. No one likes just being used for whatever reasons. If we truly care and love someone, we will MAKE them a priority and that goes for our relationship with God. We will MAKE time to talk to Him, listen to Him, and walk with Him. We can't just expect it to happen. We should pursue God to our fullest. Have faith in Him. Otherwise we are just sitting back with our other gods and when they fail us we come back to Him because He was faithful to us from the start. What kind of relationship is that??? It's a hurtful relationship that means nothing and has nothing in it. It causes emotional damage, stress, and sadness. It makes the worth of someone feel close to nothing. Don't you think this is how we make our God feel sometimes?

When He asked us to love Him with all our hearts, mind, and soul, He was asking for total commitment and faith that He will do what's best for us and love Him no matter what we may perceive. In the long run, it's all for us. And we should be all about Him. We need to spend less time lifting ourselves up and lift Him up so He can lift us up to where we can lift Him up even more. It continues on and on and on. So now I lift Him up to you.

You can find whatever belief you want based upon perceptions of disappointment, in-content, and lack of faith. When it comes right down to it, He has already made the provision for all of us if only we'd believe on Him. I beg you, have faith in God, He WILL provide. He WILL be there when the time is right. It may not be when you plan it or the way you'd see it. I was never expecting money in my mail-box nor a plate full of food tonight; however, I knew that my God provides. And He can provide for you too. Don't be separate from God anymore. Let Him be your ultimate provision.

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