Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Twelve Unlikely Heroes- by John MacArthur

John MacArthur is a personal favorite author of mine. So one could consider me biased in this review; however, one cannot deny quality work when they see it (or read it).

John MacArthur takes 12 individuals that we may know, too well in some sense, and places them under a microscope. His knowledge of biblical history is matched with his literary writing style. He draws the reader in with each initial chapter and introduces unlikely heroes from the Word of God. Rightly dividing the Word of Truth, his examination leaves a proper example of how God uses individuals, weaknesses and all, to create His story throughout history.

The emphasis is that God is in control. In every situation, through every trial and tribulation, God was and still is in control. Jonah tried to run as far as he could from God, but was "coerced" to the spot God wanted him to travel. Joseph was betrayed by his family, Potiphar's wife and even the king's man in prison, but God meant it for good. Gideon failed in faith while Samson failed with the lusts of the world. These were but a few represented in Twelve Unlikely Heroes.

John brings them to life and orchestrates wonderful interpretations for life application. This book was difficult to put down and easy to follow. Even better, was the ability to place myself in the shoes of each character. Every page was filled with inspiration and lessons from the Holy Spirit. No Christian library is complete without this one.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Book Review: In Constant Prayer

It took me forever to get around to actually reviewing this book. To be quite frank, even though the title and opening chapter drew me in, I found it quite... bland. I would expect a book that focused so much on prayer in the Christian's life to actually want to drive one to prayer. I found suggestions throughout the book heavily traditional and not quite palatable to my taste. The book was a real struggle to get through. I honestly would not seek anything more by this author just due to Doctrine differences.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Prepared Beyond Singleness

I feel that it's selfish of me to mope around some of the times I do, especially when all the other times I'm encouraged by God and my church to continue on in faith. I can't admit that this is where I thought I would be after graduation, but the truth be told, I really had no clue where I would be after graduation. I know where I want to end up and what I want to be doing, it's the getting there that's frustrating me. However, before I get there, I have goals and right now they aren't finished or even close to starting.

I like to think of myself as a "good" person, I would at least. Every time I get to work at 8a.m. though, I'm somehow convinced in my mind through a period of thoughtful conversations that I don't amount to anything. I don't technically have my degree due to CLM (Christian Life Ministry) requirements and a study in either Costa Rica or Colombia. When the time came for one of those two trips, I felt God pushing me towards the opportunity to go to China for 6 weeks. He provided, I went, and I realized at that point that God did want me there; however, nowadays, I'm not even sure if I'll get to go back.

I'm a dishwasher... I look around and see my friend from college as a youth pastor with a wife and a child on the way. I see another friend who graduated and is a teacher and worker at his church. I see yet another friend working for the college and on his way to getting married. I look at my life and can't help but compare myself to them wondering what I did wrong to get such a position in life. I help out with the youth department and even preach at my church on random occasions. Such events are sweet but too far between for my desire to lead a class or group of Christian people. More events will be less likely to occur once we do find a youth pastor to head the class.

My job I get paid to do requires me to dump trash, sweep floors, scrub floors, scrub toilets, vacuum floors, bake bread and potatoes, and wash dishes. Give me a load of laundry then I'll be a house keeper. All in the meanwhile, I'm yearning for something more. I'm yearning to be a full-time dad some day where I can hold my little girl or little boy and let them know they mean the world to me. I want to be the #1 Dad where my kid will draw pictures at school of things we've done together, one of which, praying with daddy before going to bed. I also want to be the hero to a good godly Christian woman. I want to fulfill her needs and be the example of Christ's love for the church in her life. I already know the man I want to be in the relationship, I've been preparing for it since I got saved in high school. Since as long as I can remember, my goal has been to get married and have children.

As I hope and pray for my future wife and children, I have to come to terms that I don't have them right now and there is a reason why God has withheld them from my life. It isn't that I'm not searching either; on the contrary, I'm looking everywhere leaving no stone unturned; however, I'm also praying and placing my trust that God will provide them when the time comes. I've written notes for my wife, even vows that I want to tell her on my wedding day- I've been preparing myself for her and I've been waiting too.

That last quality is most important to me.

In this day and age, it's hard to see how anyone is waiting on their future spouse. Instead, they give the blessing that God had made for them to give to anyone that comes into their life. I understand that they may feel at the time that the person they've met has convinced them they'll be together forever. Who can foresee themselves breaking up before ever getting into a relationship? I know I would have never pursued one if I saw the future outcome as such.

It's important that she does wait and that she prays too. Maybe some people need encouragement... maybe along the lines of, 'hey, someone else is actually doing this in the real world today, not just in the past.' Every morning and every night I pray for her, not knowing who she is, where she is but when she comes along, I can honestly say that a day didn't go by when I didn't think of my future wife. I've waited for her... not even just withholding sex from another person, but even rejecting sexual immorality out of my life altogether. Yes, those details are personal; however, whatever you think that coincides with- I don't do it and I don't do it specifically for my wife.

As the final outlining idea indicates, I not only prepare myself for my wife just for her but for the glorifying of God through the process. I want my family to pray together, serve God together, and even lead others to Christ together. I want the love of my family to portray Jesus to the world. I don't want to be the dad that forces all the rules on my children without them understanding that I do have a reason. I want them to understand and make their own godly choices. I want them to choose to serve God with all their heart, mind, and soul.

Before this time comes in my life, I will have to see friend after friend get engaged. I enjoy hearing the great news that they bare and the joys they'll soon have. Deep down, I long for the day I can stress out about saving up for a diamond, hoping and praying she'll love it. I long for the day I get to plan out Christmas for the whole family, I get to plan out something amazing for an anniversary, or I get to hold my child's hand as they take their first steps.

I read articles online too. I have read that some people are still waiting and about to hit the age of 29, and another the age of 34. I'm 22, still a ways off, but as I know, time moves fast. God tells us to be patient for the perfecting of our faith. That word perfecting better relates to the word 'maturing.' Sometimes, God calls us to be patient so that we may mature and understand Him better. If we can come to terms with waiting 20 years for our future spouse and family, then God be praised. As of right now, I'm impatient and I'm dreading how long God may want me to wait.

I don't want to be a dishwasher forever. For one reason, the numbers just don't add up to me to take up a lifelong voyage on that path. As of right now, I CAN'T take on all of the financial aspects with the job I have. In order to get an apartment, pay for student loans, pay for my truck, insurance, health insurance, and etc., I would live in poverty- which I'm technically in that pay range anyways. If I continued in Springfield the way I was going, I wouldn't have been able to support myself to the point of trying to figure out what to do for food. As I re-evaluate the numbers, I would be struggling so much right now. I thank God that I can now save up in this time-period and just focus on my truck and school payments.

Eventually, I do want to move out, but that requires a higher paying job which I don't have the degree to get. Don't get me wrong, I loved college, but it seems to be the worst financial mistake of my life right now. The degree I "don't" have means nothing to the secular world and there isn't a job force desperately seeking out the Intercultural Studies Major. As of right now, I need to come to terms with the fact that I couldn't support a wife, making it alright that I don't have one. I want to make sure I at least have that detail in order.

I know you may be waiting too. Maybe just as impatient or even more so then me. I understand it's hard to come to terms with the idea that God will provide when exactly He means to do it. I understand that it may be difficult to have hope or faith when there aren't even Christians your age around your area and all the supposed Christians are just in name only.


Don't just half-heartedly wish things would come true, but believe and trust that God will provide. If you don't trust Him, don't even begin to talk. Maybe sometimes, in all of your prayers, you need to just shut-up. Maybe you need to stop and listen, to hear what He has to say. And don't give up. Don't throw yourself away. At the end of it all, if I can say that I held onto my values and didn't resort to desperation or sin, God is glorified.

What if I become an 80 year old virgin? Contrary to what this world would say, I would think that's alright. At least you didn't have to suffer a physical relationship ending in a sort of divorce without all of the legal work. Never regret the decision to trust and rely on God. In the end, you can say, I did it all for you.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Life Seemed Perfect; Then it Hurt

It's been forever since I've added anything to this. If you've stumbled across this, know that nothing happens by accident. God always has a plan for us that we can never really comprehend. Sometimes the path is tough and it hurts. Sometimes great things happen, though. Sometimes you are on top of the world and everything seems perfect only to find that everything that could go wrong, did, and it happened in less then 24 hours.

Let me be vague in stating that I found a girl who seemed perfect for God's will in my life, we had wonderful times, then we broke up. There's no reason to go into details of what all occurred, that information is private and really insignificant to this post. What I can tell you is that I thought I knew God's perfect plan for me. It would take quite a bit of hard work and faith, and by quite a bit I mean an amount that it seemed almost improbable and impossible. But our God is the God of the impossible, right?

It didn't work out. My thoughts were to go home and clear my head then go back to school, start over with a new job, and then get involved in ministry. I then remembered that I thought the same thing when I started my job back in March, after I went a month and a half without a job. It was going well. Then as the summer progressed, it started interfering with my church attendance. I became bogged down and really didn't notice that my relationship with God was lacking. Let me tell you, you can pray EVERY SINGLE DAY, you can read your Bible EVERY SINGLE DAY, you can have good intentions to be a part of ministry and do things for God... but you can still lose focus of God. It doesn't seem to make sense, though. You could think that, yeah. But for whatever reason, reading the Bible became a routine, praying seemed to be the same thing night after night, and... well... ministry never got started or done.

As the thought process occurred, I had to come to terms with the pain I felt. I walked to my truck at 1 in the morning and yelled out to God in anger, "If you don't want me to leave right now, then stop me!" God didn't stop me. I got in my truck. Earlier on that night, I couldn't concentrate on work due to emotions and my performance was lacking. I failed at my job and had to leave. From that point on, there was no turning back... what with the 800 bucks I had to make each month to make ends meet. The job was gone and I just had to clear my head, nothing else mattered.

I drove through possibly the worst storm that night/morning. I could barely see the car in front of me and had to go 50 in a 65 mph zone. But the whole time, I just kept moving. I made the decision to leave and it got difficult but I couldn't turn back. I just had to keep my eyes on the lines of the lanes to both my left and right, that's all I could do to keep from wrecking my vehicle. But at the same time, as I was enduring the storm, I had a peace that God would get me home safely. The whole time, I sang to David Crowder and just praised God because I knew He knew what He was going to do with me. I got home and felt at peace that this is where God wanted me to reside.

The next morning, I doubted everything because I feared being alone. I feared about not having a girlfriend. I took my eyes off God again and focused on the pain. I kept blaming myself and beating myself up. I was too overbearing, I wasn't trusting enough, I didn't have enough patience, etc. etc. etc. I placed my hope in her being the plan that God constructed. I placed all my chips and money on her. That was why I stayed in Springfield, that was why I endured the long hours of work, the bills, the plan. I endured the plan because she was going to be the final outcome... this was God's plan for me. Just endure it all... that's all I had to do. Meanwhile, my relationship with God was lacking. I forgot about God... how dumb of me.

What is God's plan now? I don't know, but I'm more at peace here in my hometown. I've gotten closer to God and closer to the things I needed to work on. I'm not perfect and I'm not as mature in Christ, but He'll continue to do His work in me and not give up on me. As of right now, I have a clean slate. I get to do ministry here in my hometown! Lord knows I'm not going to lack in that area again. I'm going to get a job but only if that job allows me to have the days off I need to do ministry. I'm placing God first. I'm going to continue with Distance-Education and try to get my masters. I shouldn't worry about a girlfriend or wife... God will bring her when the timing is right. I'm not going to waiver on the qualities I want in her. I'm praying for her every night. It seems nearly impossible to find her right now, so it's only logical to just not even think about it.

You know my situation now. I'd really appreciate your prayers as I continue this path of my life. There are no regrets but only praise in how God can still care about such a worm as I. I'm going to come out of this a better man- smarter and more mature in Christ. I hope this could help you get through things if you're struggling. Lord knows it wouldn't be by accident you're reading this.

In Christ,

Friday, March 26, 2010

Study of Job

Job is the oldest book of the Bible and quite possibly the most remarkable in that Job speaks profound truth in man's position to God. He even goes to state facts about an upcoming savior, foreshadowing Jesus Christ's incarnation as man to take on the brutal punishment on that cross for our sakes. I've caught the smell of this enticing meal some time ago and even preached on it-- the fact that Satan had a blatant disregard for respecting God and God seeking to make Job Satan's aim.

Two very excellent initial words help in understanding more about this passage and the work of God vs. the work of Satan. Sum and Suk. The idea of Sum is the idea of setting one's heart after something. God asked Satan if he set his heart against Job, if he sought to attack him directly. God throws Job in the cross-fire. Now how Satan responds helps to identify how much he truly didn't understand about God and a man after God's heart in righteousness.

Satan says that God has put a hedge about him or Suk. What this implies is that God made it to where Job could not sin. Satan has some sort of concept that the only reason Job follows God is because God has protected him from sinning. However, Satan realizes after the ordeal that his philosophy was wrong! Very wrong!

This is a dangerous concept to consider because we can think to ourselves that we may be faithful enough in our walk with God to withstand Satan's very heart against us, his desire to destroy us and bring us to our knees. Satan was still figuring out the human being at this time, but I'm certain that throughout the time that he has been on this earth seeking whom he may devour, he has figured us out... for the most part.

Satan knows he doesn't have to attack me with drugs, alcohol, or even porn right now. It doesn't matter to him, but if he knows that he can get me through my little gods, causing me to be dormant in Christ, he has won. Am I as faithful as Job to withstand such an attack against me? I don't know; however, the true Christian would seek to withstand everything through faith in the Lord.

Maybe you are getting the point now. My whole foundation of all my faith, following, and works in Christ are based upon Proverbs 3:5-6. Once you can grasp this concept, along with the greatest commandment (I'll let you try to figure that one out), you'll come to understand how much better your walk with Christ can become.

I'll end with this. There is a place in Indiana called Turkey Run National Park. There they have trails and canoeing. On the maps they have drawn out all the trails with the difficulty next to them. The least difficulty is a pretty cool trail and pretty awe-inspiring. However, there are more difficult trails that require ladders and climbing along the side of the walls of the gorge. These trails are difficult but yet they are far more beautiful then the easier ones. I went on a trail in China, much harder then the ones in Turkey Run, at Tiger Leaping Gorge. It was the hardest trail I have ever seen and it took two days to complete. We stayed the night at a neat hotel along the cliff of the gorge. The windows revealed the view of Dragon Snow Mountain. That trail was the most beautiful thing I had ever been on. It was far more difficult, but that much far more beautiful. Do you want to take that easy route through life, or do you want to follow the call for the most beautiful experience ever? God lets you choose.

God's Provision

Take into consideration that sitting in my checking account right now is literally 9 cents. Also take into account the very fact that the cafeteria is charging students who are still here for their meals. Take into account the fact that I haven't gotten paid in over a month and a half. Take into account that I've been scrounging up pennies, receiving blessings from friends, and most of all relying on God to take care of me. Right now I'm experiencing what it is like to live without luxuries and coming to the point of realizing that much of the stuff I thought I needed I don't.

This picture represents my dinner tonight. It cost 1 dollar but if you know something about not having money, not having 1 dollar even means not being able to purchase something that is indeed 1 dollar. Nothing-- what I have, yet God still provides. Can I tell you that for some odd, unexplainable reason I felt that I needed to leave the school and travel to work an hour early. I thought to myself, I'll just get there and get a drink (which is free) and chill before work.

I walk in, so hungry, and hang my coat and glasses up. One of the guys is sitting at the table and asks me how I'm doing. We chat for a little and he found out I was an hour early. He asked me if I came in to eat and I said no, I don't have any money. He reached into his wallet and pulled out a dollar and said, here, you can use this. I was blown away. I was so thankful and received a dinner for the night all at the provision of this guy who was just sitting in there. After I walked out to get my food, I saw him walk out and he left the building. If I had waited, I wouldn't have been able to eat before work.

I know that at anytime my parents can and will provide for me. They have and still do; however, I wanted to rely on God and see what He'd do. Not only did He get me out of debt with that gracious person about a week ago, but He has provided me with meals all throughout this week. I have not gone hungry once.

I implore you, you can't have no faith in God and expect to receive something. There is the illustration of the two farmers during the drought. They both pray for rain yet only one of them prepares the field for planting. Then it rains. Tell me, which farmer had faith that God would make it rain? Even more, tell me, which Christian has faith that God will provide? The one who is upset because God hasn't, or the one that states He will and prepares to receive it.

So many times we put God in a box with human limitations. Don't you know that in the Old Testament the woman was told to collect pots to pour oil in? She need only have faith. The Bible states that as soon as she filled the last one, it stopped pouring. Now tell me, if after this event, what would you think??? Man! I should have gotten more pots! She maybe got a few from neighbors, but as much faith as she could have put into it, she could have that much more.

You get what you put into your relationship with God. If you treat Him like garbage, a magical genie, or a mean father; you will fail to see Him for what He truly is. If He is a priority to you, not an option; He will be the best priority you have ever set forth in your life. No one likes just being an option in life. No one likes just being used for whatever reasons. If we truly care and love someone, we will MAKE them a priority and that goes for our relationship with God. We will MAKE time to talk to Him, listen to Him, and walk with Him. We can't just expect it to happen. We should pursue God to our fullest. Have faith in Him. Otherwise we are just sitting back with our other gods and when they fail us we come back to Him because He was faithful to us from the start. What kind of relationship is that??? It's a hurtful relationship that means nothing and has nothing in it. It causes emotional damage, stress, and sadness. It makes the worth of someone feel close to nothing. Don't you think this is how we make our God feel sometimes?

When He asked us to love Him with all our hearts, mind, and soul, He was asking for total commitment and faith that He will do what's best for us and love Him no matter what we may perceive. In the long run, it's all for us. And we should be all about Him. We need to spend less time lifting ourselves up and lift Him up so He can lift us up to where we can lift Him up even more. It continues on and on and on. So now I lift Him up to you.

You can find whatever belief you want based upon perceptions of disappointment, in-content, and lack of faith. When it comes right down to it, He has already made the provision for all of us if only we'd believe on Him. I beg you, have faith in God, He WILL provide. He WILL be there when the time is right. It may not be when you plan it or the way you'd see it. I was never expecting money in my mail-box nor a plate full of food tonight; however, I knew that my God provides. And He can provide for you too. Don't be separate from God anymore. Let Him be your ultimate provision.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The Virtuous Woman

I'm not a perfect person... I never claimed to be; however, I try to follow Christ to the best of my ability. I don't have one friend around here who knows me beyond what only they can perceive, as of right now. I don't have a friend that can truly speak on my accord and I intend on keeping everything to myself. There isn't one person on this campus that can properly assess my character. People that I know to be friends are indeed friends, but they haven't searched my heart and have no right to say they know my heart.

My heart's intention is to follow Christ 100%. Through thick and thin I will follow Him and His will. I'm now content, once again, with being a single minister for the cause of Christ. My contentment is found in Christ alone and not in man. I've been trying to seek hope from man when it should have been from God. If I ever were to give up my plans to be a single minister, the qualifications for my future wife would be quite a bit. You may ask me why I demand so much but I believe God wants the best for all of us. I believe that I should settle for only the best because that is who exactly I would need to be a part of my life in this call that I have. I recently came across this...

The story of the martyrdom of Peter and his wife is found
in the pages of The History of the Church, written by Eusebius,
a bishop in the Holy Land during the first decades of the 300s.
In it he quotes from a much earlier source, Miscellanies (Book
VII), written by Clement of Alexandria (circa A.D. 150–215).

This work describes how Peter’s wife suffered martyrdom just
before him:
We are told that when blessed Peter saw his
wife led away to death, he was glad that her
call had come and that she was returning
home, and spoke to her in the most encouraging
and comforting way, addressing her by
name:“My dear, remember the Lord.” Such was
the marriage of the blessed, and their consummate
feeling towards their dearest.

St. Peter's wife died on a cross, crucified for her beliefs. Any girl here reading this, you want a Godly guy? This is your goal. Be so faithful and trusting to the Lord that you would take crucifixion for His name's sake. Glorify your God sooo much that your future husband would be in awe of your faith. This is the kind of wife I want. A selfless, humble, woman of Christ searching His heart daily. Unfortunately, in this world today, we don't see this much anymore... and it's a shame.

I will be the first to admit when I'm wrong and have sinned and fallen short. I will cherish my future wife as a treasure above no other. I will never hit her or make her feel less then what she is-- a glorious created woman in Christ. I would be HAPPY to wash the dishes, fold the laundry, cook, clean, etc. for my wife. She will be my blessing and love through Christ. I'll never feed her with lies and always walk beside her to lift her up. I will expect her to be more then just a "Pastor's Wife" but a working woman in Christ. I would LOVE to sacrifice my time to take care of our children. I would be content for her to never have to wear make-up, never have to dress-up, and never have to over act who she really is-- herself... a woman seeking God every single day.

A woman who beams the gloriousness of Christ from the inside can only project a love that I can find appealing. It may not matter if she feels she may be too ugly, too fat, too dumb, etc. As long as she's that kind of faithful servant, I would give anything and everything I had to find her.

As of right now, I'm a single minister following my Lord's heart. I'm a nobody, trying to tell someone about Somebody who can change their life.