Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Twelve Unlikely Heroes- by John MacArthur

John MacArthur is a personal favorite author of mine. So one could consider me biased in this review; however, one cannot deny quality work when they see it (or read it).

John MacArthur takes 12 individuals that we may know, too well in some sense, and places them under a microscope. His knowledge of biblical history is matched with his literary writing style. He draws the reader in with each initial chapter and introduces unlikely heroes from the Word of God. Rightly dividing the Word of Truth, his examination leaves a proper example of how God uses individuals, weaknesses and all, to create His story throughout history.

The emphasis is that God is in control. In every situation, through every trial and tribulation, God was and still is in control. Jonah tried to run as far as he could from God, but was "coerced" to the spot God wanted him to travel. Joseph was betrayed by his family, Potiphar's wife and even the king's man in prison, but God meant it for good. Gideon failed in faith while Samson failed with the lusts of the world. These were but a few represented in Twelve Unlikely Heroes.

John brings them to life and orchestrates wonderful interpretations for life application. This book was difficult to put down and easy to follow. Even better, was the ability to place myself in the shoes of each character. Every page was filled with inspiration and lessons from the Holy Spirit. No Christian library is complete without this one.